What's the rush?

There are times when you draft something and never post it. You later re-read the post and don't recollect what was the incident you were referring to. This exactly happened for me with this one. Apparently, this post was conceived after a conversation with my colleague.

We are all rushing and stressed! This is the age of no-time-to-sit-and-talk but kids-have-tabs-and-I-have-my-phone. We run so much that we forget why we are running for! We say we earn for our children and for our future. But what’s the whole purpose of having money if we don’t spend some *quality* time with our family and kids or enjoy their company?

It is a very conscious decision to not to rush our children but enjoy their company – get immersed in their small stuff

– be it a Lego which they build
          – be it getting ready for any appointment/school
– be it a small drawing they did 
– be it a play they want you to be a part of 
– be it sharing a piece of food with you 
– be it asking you to read a story! 
They just need us. Our time. Our special bond. Our love. That’s it. 

Spend time with them: 
They are all special. They think you're their universe. They grow very fast and in those very years you realise you forgot to spend time with their childhood to create memories. At times, become a child when you are with them and brace the time. It's the quality which matters mostly and not the quantity.
Appreciate them:
Even a small thing matters a lot to them. Pat their back if they helped you in tidying up. Give them cheers if they drew something. Appreciate them if they made you smile for what they did in any way.
 Tell them you love them dearly:
Communication is always a two way coin and it helps to bring 2 people understand each other well. Sometimes you need words to express your thoughts. They have more value then your unspoken actions. Say I love you as much as possible. It's a magic word!
Not being a perfectionist is okay:
Yes, it's tempting to be the best in every aspect. But it builds up your stress and make you do it to the dot. I am one and it's again a very conscious decision to let go in certain situations. It's alright if you can't do everything as others do. 

We did and do everything in our own pace. Everyone's is different. Children are learning new things everyday and there is no need to rush them to the next moment. Let them take it one minute at a time. They still have their whole adulthood to run along!


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