Motherhood...Being a mother...

Mother - Mom - Amma - mamma - mummy

Whatever way you call it, this word definitely has a lot more meaning and beauty to itself than anything. It always feel great when you hold your new born for the first time in your hand. It is a great feeling when you feed your baby and feel he/she is full to the stomach. I still recall the time when I saw my son for the first time (though I felt even before I saw him) in the labor room. Those tiny hands and first cry literally stole my heart. For me, my life is complete in being a mother.

There are times when you are so busy held with work and just want to sit and relax. Today's world is so demanding and there is lots of things happening around. But the minute you see that little dwarf of you, your face brightens. I can recall how happy my son would be when I see him after work. Who would not love those beautiful teeth-less smile? Those crawling legs coming towards you after you come from work. I love it. I can just continue to work in spite of my tiredness by just looking at my baby.

I realized only after being a mother, we celebrate our mothers more than we used to do. I have always loved my mother for whatever she has done to me. She has been a great inspiration to me - a successful working woman, kitchen queen, absolute stunning cook, wonderful mother for us. She would dedicate her time for us and do whatever we enjoyed and liked. She is a wonderful role-model and now I understand how much it takes to be a mother. Nevertheless, I am enjoying each and every journey with those little feet.

Being a mother, life demands a lot of responsibilities and care of your little one. You always put your baby's needs in front and your things take the back seat. There are lot more things to come in my way. More to learn out of motherhood and parenting. This makes you a better person and a good example for your son/daughter. 
